
Are you tired of graphic designers who…

❌ miss deadlines or rush and provide low-quality work?

❌ don’t understand your voice, vision or brand?

❌ exhaust you with all the back-and-forth chaos from miscommunication?

Creators, coaches and speakers…here’s your solution!

Hire a graphic designer who Co-creates your design vision with you Makes projects fun, fast and easy Understands design planning, strategy and execution Delivers high-quality, custom designs …and is always on time!

Who is this mystical unicorn of a graphic designer, you ask?

Dan Rondeau, graphic designer, graphic membership

Meet Dan Rondeau, owner and branding wiz behind DJR Designs.

Dan and DJR Designs have a unique approach to graphic design ➾

They believe … YOU DESERVE:

  To be heard and understood by your graphic designer

   Stellar graphic design that speaks to your ideal audience and supercharges your results

 To have deadlines met

And you deserve all this at a reasonable monthly price.

Imagine having your graphic design budget spread out with monthly payments rather than requiring you to spend thousands of dollars in one lump sum per project …

Who is this mystical unicorn of a graphic designer, you ask?

Meet Dan Rondeau, owner and branding wiz behind DJR Designs.

Dan and DJR Designs have a unique approach to graphic design ➾

They believe … YOU DESERVE:

To be heard and understood by your graphic designer

Stellar graphic design that speaks to your ideal audience and supercharges your results

To have deadlines met

And you deserve all this at a reasonable monthly price.

Imagine having your graphic design budget spread out in monthly payments rather than requiring you to spend thousands of dollars in one lump sum per project …


Enjoy monthly, membership-based, custom graphic design services. Now is your chance to get graphic design collateral without worrying about charges for every design, hourly rates, long-term contracts, and follow-ups.

You would benefit most from this graphic membership if:

graphic membership

You have been bootstrapping your graphic designs and branding with little to no traction from your ideal audience.

graphic membership

Your time is maxed out and holding you back from launching the products or services you want.

graphic membership

You have tried using a service, such as Fiverr, and felt as if no one listened to what you wanted and you were unsatisfied.

We have developed our membership to better align with your business based on:

 depth of your graphics needs

 amount of support and strategy that you need

 length of time you need a designer

 cost – let’s not beat around the bush here

Graphic design, membership

You Receive:

Month-to-month membership, cancel at any time.
5 points each month
 Accumulate a total of 50 points max per year
Points can be used right away after purchasing or saved for later use
Points expire one year from the membership date of purchase
Any unused points expire after 30 days if you cancel your membership
5% discount on additional points purchases
One round of revisions per created design asset
Additional revisions available for purchase


Okay so I have these “points,” what do they do?

Each graphic asset you need for your business is assigned a specific point value. You use your purchased points to receive the graphics needed in your business. Some examples of assets purchased and the number of points needed:

    • A 5-page workbook lead magnet: 4 points
    • 6 social media images, updated social media headers, and an email banner to promote an upcoming program launch: 7 Points
    • A 15-slide deck presentation for a new webinar launch or a speaking engagement: 12 Points
    • 5 YouTube Thumbnails to boost engagement on your YouTube channel: 12 Points
    • A speaker media kit used to leverage landing more speaking engagements: 20 Points
Get my FREE guide, 5 Essential Keys in Communicating Design Ideas to a Graphic Designer.

Benefits of DJR Designs Graphic Membership Model

  • You have control of what assets you purchase and when. 
  • You can use points to purchase any combination of items or just one of something.
  • There are no retainers that require a specific amount of designs created each month.
  • You don’t have to feel pressured to provide design work each month. 
  • You can relax knowing you have a designer on standby to co-create with you on your brand empire!

Members Love DJR Designs .

Members Love DJR Designs

“Branded and on message.”

“Joy to work with.”

“Eye for understanding one’s brand.”

“DJR designs understand my brand better than I do.”

“Designs and service surpassed my expectations!”

Limited Time Bonuses!


Ready to gain graphic traction now?

Sign up for membership before November 14

Benefits of a Brand Board

 Your brand at your fingertips: The brand board stores your logo, fonts and colors, and inspirations.


 Easily share your brand board (and thus your brand info) with your team members so  they know the exact style and layout your brand emphasizes to your audience.
graphic membership, brand board


Ready to gain graphic traction now?

Sign up for membership before November 14, and receive a 30-MINUTE STRATEGY CALL and a BRAND BOARD BONUS!

Benefits Of A Brand Board

 Your brand at your fingertips: The brand board stores your logo, fonts and colors, and inspirations.
 Easily share your brand board (and thus your brand info) with your team members so  they know the exact style and layout your brand emphasizes to your audience.

What if a graphic designer understood your brand and ideal audience to deliver custom designs aligned for your business?

☑ Remove the “Graphic Guilt” you carry when creating your own graphics.

☑ Rev up your audience with customized graphics aligned to your brand values and the ideal client.

☑ Step back into your superpower of serving your audience and clients!  

☑ Start growing with your graphics – and invest in a personalized design option. 

graphic membership
Graphic Design Services

You have invested your time and energy into a desired product or service for your ideal audience.

Using a template is a fast and easy way to share your offer.

Thinking BIG PICTURE, many others have access to Canva (more than likely, this includes your competitors) and that exact template you want to use. You know this offer needs to stand out and looking similar to others will not cut it.

Bootstrapping your brand and designs only works for a limited time and if scaling your business is on your radar, it’s time to think this through. 

Bonuses vary based on your membership level.
If you purchased:

Month-to-Month Membership

Receive a Brand Board Canva Template

You’ll receive a link - all you need to do is copy it into your Canva account for easy drag-and-drop access!

(access will be sent upon purchase completion)

Time is running out...


Select your membership to grow your business


What you receive:

Month-to-month membership, cancel at any time.

5 points each month

Accumulate a total of 50 points max per year

Points can be used right away after purchasing or saved for later use

Points expire one year from membership date of purchase

Any unused points expire after 30 days if you cancel your membership

5% discount on additional points purchases
Includes one round of revisions per design asset created

Additional revisions are available, upon request



What you receive:

Minimum three-month commitment

30 points for use over the next three months.

Support with a strategic call to go over your next three months of design work

Option available for one up-to-90 minute call or three up-to-30 minute calls each month

Design support through email or Slack (whichever works best for you)

After three months, you can renew, choose to go to a different level, or cancel

If renewed, you can roll over up to 10 points

If you cancel your membership, any unused points will expire after 30 days

10% discount on additional points purchases

Includes two rounds of revisions per design asset created.

1 Payment of $997

3 payments of $397/mo


What you receive:

Minimum six-month commitment

120 points for use over the next six months

Support with a monthly up-to-60-minute strategic call to go over your next six months and break design work.

From there, we break down the next 30 days to know what designs are needed now and what is coming next

Design support through email or Slack (whichever works best for you)

After six months, you can renew, choose to go to a different level, or cancel

If renewed, you can roll over up to 30 points

If you cancel your membership, any unused points will expire after 30 days

15% discount on additional points purchases

Includes three rounds of revisions per design asset created.

1 Payment of $3997

6 payments of $797/mo

Dan Rondeau, Strategic Graphic Designer

As a business owner, I truly get it! After talking with several other business owners, you know the only way to grow requires delegating and moving away from “doing all the things.” Knowing is the easy part, executing is the harder one. That was something my business coach threw at me too – it was not easy to hear, but what it did create was the starting point for this membership.

My membership was created after speaking with coaches, speakers, and course creators. The graphics representing their businesses needed to stand out, evoke emotion and resonate with their ideal audience. Creating graphics was not in their genius zone and the time taken to create them would impede the time they need to serve and be present with their clients. Leveraging my time and expertise creates an open space that fills the needs of their clients while graphics are being designed for their business.

Time to minimize your monthly spending and maximize your focus from graphics to what you are passionate about in life and business! Give yourself a reward you deserve and say YES to graphic-aligned business growth!

Still on the fence?

It’s time to minimize your graphic costs while maximizing your graphic impact. 

Allow your graphics to shine as brightly as you do, and your audience will sit up and take notice.

Give you and your business the reward you deserve, and say YES to graphic-aligned business growth!

Get my FREE guide,
5 Essential Keys in Communicating
Design Ideas to a Graphic Designer.

Copyright © 2024 DJR Designs, LLC
Made with ❤ by Barefoot Design Collective
Copyright © 2024 DJR Designs, LLC

Made with ❤ by Barefoot Design Collective